I read something on John Patrick's weblog this morning that reminded me of an experience I had.  John makes the point that non-profits need IT expertise and discusses his experience with the United Way:

Today started out with a meeting at the United Way of Northern Fairfield County to help think through some strategic issues with regard to their use of information technology. It is a very good feeling to be able to help non-profit organizations and I highly recommend that all of us do so as often as possible. (read more)

I was a delegate to the Republican party convention this year and so was involved in party work in my precinct.    I was appalled at the lack of IT support that the party provided to the precinct workers and how disorganized things were.  Now perhaps that is the consequence of a lack of competition, but I suspect that the Democratic party isn't any better off. 

If you've thought of volunteering in some capacity at a non-profit, a political party, or even your local government, understand that technical expertise is sorely needed.   There's plenty of room for people who want to give something and with technology you can have a huge impact whatever cause you choose to support.    Get out and get involved; you'll feel better

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:20 2019.