South Dakota Puts All State Forms Online

From Al Sherwood's IT in Government Webloga piece on South Dakota putting all forms online:

PIERRE, S.D. -- Gov. Bill Janklow unveiled a one-stop Web site last week for more than 1,100 state forms.

The South Dakota Service Direct page went live on the state's Web site last Thursday, Janklow said, allowing citizens and businesses to search for and access nearly all state forms through one Web page.

Each form on the Service Direct Web site has links to information about the form, as well as a downloadable copy for printing and mailing. In many cases, officials said, the site offers a fill-in-the-blanks style online form for direct submission to the state electronically, allowing for many state forms to be processed entirely online for immediate service.

"The goal is to reduce the hassle for people," Janklow said. "This is a no-brainer."  

This really is a no-brainer, as long as you can avoid arguments about what the right software is and who's going to pay.  Once those issues enter into the discussion, you'd better have your brain fully engaged. 

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Last modified: Thu Oct 10 09:47:20 2019.