Archive for Sept 2011

E-Verify Isn't the Answer

Expanding E-Verify isn't an easy fix to solving immigration problems. In fact, it's likely to make things worse for employees and employers while expanding identity fraud.
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A Facebook of Things

When we talk about social products and services, the question that naturally arises is: what will be the Facebook of Things look like? Here are my thoughts.
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On Hierarchies and Networks

Events create a networked pattern of interaction with decentralized decision making. Because new players can enter the event system without others having to give permission, be reconfigured, or be reprogrammed, they grow organically. Hierarchical interaction isn't the ultimate expression of the Internet, but merely a stepping stone to more powerful systems of the future. I'm convinced they'll be event-based.
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Schmidt at Dreamforce

I went to Dreamforce a few weeks ago. What a kick. The conference was so big and very fun. It reminded me of conferences from the 1990s. I couldn't believe how big the expo floor was. We had to leave before the closing keynote with Marc Benioff talking to Eric Schmidt. I made sure I watched the You Tube video. The whole talk is work listening to, but it's over an hour. I was especially taken by a few minutes in the middle (at about minute 25). I showed this clip in my talk to the SCITDA conference. I
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SCITDA Fall Conference: The Live Web

I spoke today at the South Carolina IT Director's Association fall conference. The topic was "The Live Web." The subject of my upcoming book. Here's the summary: The web is moving from the Dynamic Query/Static Data model that has characterized Web 2.0 sites to a Dynamic Data/Static Query model that characterizes many of today's most interesting Internet interactions. What does this mean for your organization and how can you take advantage of this shift? And here's the slides: The conference was fun and I'm glad David Elwer invited me.
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I can imagine that in a few years, my family will have a bunch of tablets just spread around as general computing devices throughout the house. As we become more and more attached to the 'Net, we're more likely to need it everywhere. Count me as a believer in the tablet revolution.
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