Announcing the Kynetx Developers Conference
Kynetx will be holding a developer's conference on October 21-22. The conference will be in Utah, although the exact venue hasn't ben nailed down yet. Some of the topics on the agenda: Building Apps with KRL Advanced Rule Programming Action Cards and Information Cards Data and Rules The KNS API We are also lining up some great keynotes. If you're curious about Kynetx and what we're doing, this will be a great way to immerse yourself for a few hours or a few days in learning about our services and what you can do with them to build applications
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Sam Rides 1000: Kynetx and Google Docs
Sam Curren, who works at Kynetx set a goal to ride his bike 1000 miles this summer. And because he's a geek, he instrumented the whole effort so that we could all follow his efforts. The way he created a dashboard of sorts for his riding using a combination of Google Docs and a Kynetx App. Sam's first task was data collection. He uses a Android-powered G1 for his phone. He installed the My Tracks application to record the data for his ride and then uploaded the data to Google Spreadsheets. Creating his "dashboard" involved using Yahoo!
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Starting a High Tech Business: Only the Employees Will Care
I'm starting a new business called Kynetx. As I go through some of the things I do, I'm planning to blog them. The whole series will be here. This is the twentieth installment. You may find my efforts instructive. Or you may know a better way--if so, please let me know! Businesses have all sorts of constiuencies: shareholders, customers, employees, and so on. And for one reason or another you might argue which is most important. When you're on a board of directors, for example, you work for the shareholders and, except where required by law, put their needs
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Context Automation Talk from Gluecon
My talk on Context Automation is up on InfoQ now. They've done a nice job with video and slide syncing. In this talk, I discuss the role of digital identity in context automation and web augmentation. I go through an example of building a ruleset in KRL that puts the latest tweet for a search term inside the google search results as part of the talk.
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Automatically Building, Configuring, and Maintaining Complex Infrastructure
I've been heads down for the last few weeks getting a project out the door for a new customer. As I mentioned, this involves creating a virtual appliance. I decided, due to the circumstances of this deployment that the best option was the build an appliance factory that is capable of churning out new virtual machines at will. I'm going to describe how I did that in this post. There are bascially three steps to creating a new image that runs the Kynetx Network Service (KNS): Create a new virtual machine Install packages and Perl libraries,
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