LinkedIn Labs has released a visualization tool called an InMap that shows your connections and how they're related to each other. Mine is linked from the thumbnail on the right. A few things I noticed:
- The two large lobes that look like the upper wings of the butterfly are my Utah tech links on the left and my Non-Utah (mostly identity) links on the right. Very little cross-over. At least for the people I know, I'm the link between many people in Utah and many people in the Bay Area and the Identity Community.
- The Utah tech community represented by my links is the largest pool of connections I've got and they're quite well connected to each other.
- Steve Fulling, my partner at Kynetx and colleague in lots of other things is very well connected to the people I'm connected to.
- My former Excite@Home colleagues (and a few others) are the lower right wing of the butterfly. interesting that they're mostly disconnected from the tech friends I've made in the Bay Area since the late 90's.
- Colleagues from when I was writing at InfoWorld sit in between the Excite@Home community and the Identity community. Not surprising there.
- Former iMall colleagues don't seem to be well connected to the larger Utah Tech community.
- IT Leaders and CIOs are connected to each other and spread throughout the four main lobes.
- There's a strong enough connection between Kynetx, iMall, Utah, and Sento that Kynetx people sit smack dab in the middle of the other three.
- I know techies from church and they split into two distinct groups along geographic boundaries and neither are well connected to the greater Utah tech community.
- BYU colleagues seem to be VERY disconnected from the greater Utah tech community (at least the people I know). Not too surprising.
This kind of analysis is fascinating. I could imagine asking someone to see their LinkedIn map as part of a job interview for certain jobs (PR, evangelist, etc.) as it's concrete evidence of their connectedness. Visualization is going to play a bigger and bigger role in our daily decision making as we get more and more connected data like LinkedIn.